
Overview of the organizational structure of SPECS
Executive Committee
Neal Armstrong
Director, SPECS
Regents Professor (Emeritus), Chemistry and Biochemistry, University of Arizona
Regents Professor (Emeritus), College of Optical Sciences, University of Arizona
Elisa Miller
Associate Director of SPECS Operations
RASEI Fellow
Chemistry and Nanoscience Center Research Scientist
Erin Ratcliff
Associate Director of Scientific Continuity
Professor, Materials Science and Engineering, Chemistry and Biochemistry, Georgia Institute of Technology
Thrust Leads
Tim Lian
Associate Director of Scientific Continuity, SPECS
Charge Transfer Thrust Lead, SPECS
William Henry Emerson Professor, Department of Chemistry, Emory University
Seth Marder
Durability Thrust Lead, SPECS
Deputy Director, Integration of Modern Optoelectronic Materials on Demand (IMOD)
Director and Fellow, Renewable and Sustainable Energy Institute
Chad Risko
Charge Transport Thrust Lead, SPECS
Associate Professor of Chemistry, University of Kentucky
Faculty Director, Office of Undergraduate Research, University of Kentucky
Natalie Stingelin
Project Lead - Polymer Physics
Chair, School of Materials Science & Engineering, Georgia Institute of Technology
Editor-in-Chief, ‘Journal of Materials Chemistry C’ (RSC)
Scientific Advisory Board
Ethan Crumlin
Dean DeLongchamp
Jillian Dempsey
Arthur Hendsbee
Martin Heeney
Frances Houle
Stephen Maldonado
Iain McCulloch
Shelley Minteer
Pierre-Olivier Morin
Lee Richter
Mark Spitler