
Upcoming Meetings

Monday, March 10, 12:00 p.m. Eastern - SPECS EFRC Scientific Meeting

Shane Ardo, UC Irvine
"Understanding, and moving beyond, band bending to perform useful work with light"

Monday, March 17, 12:00 p.m. Eastern - SPECS EFRC Scientific Meeting

Speaker TBD
Title TBD

Monday, March 31, 12:00 p.m. Eastern - SPECS EFRC Scientific Meeting

Speaker TBD
Title TBD

Monday, April 14, 12:00 p.m. Eastern - SPECS EFRC Scientific Meeting

Jason Azoulay, Georgia Tech
Title TBD - spin and catalysis

Monday, April 21, 12:00 p.m. Eastern - SPECS EFRC Scientific Meeting

Jillian Dempsey, UNC
Title TBD - molecular catalysts

Monday, May 5, 12:00 p.m. Eastern - SPECS EFRC Scientific Meeting

Speaker TBD
Title TBD


If you would like to present your SPECS-supported research at a SPECS Scientific Meeting, contact Jennifer Garcia .



2024 Research Exchange - 2nd Round 
Awardees will be announced soon!

The SPECS management team solicited ROUND 2 of SPECS Research Exchange Proposals, These are short proposals (1-2 paragraphs) for collaborations between multiple institutions (i.e., center members) and/or user facility visits. Due to budget restrictions, international travel is prohibited. The submission deadline has now passed and proposals are now being reviewed. Below are the guidelines of which the proposals are being evaluated. 

  • Funds are available for 1-2 week research exchange/visits, with maximum budget of $5K.
  • Preference is for new teams and/or new proposers from prior round (list of prior proposals/awardees can be found in the blue box announcement)
  • To receive funds, the team must schedule with Jen Garcia a time slot to present research findings at one of the biweekly all-hands scientific meetings.

Please submit to the SPECS Research Exchange Team a short proposal description that includes information on the activities, research questions, alignment with SPECS project(s), anticipated outcomes, collaborators, and budget.

2024 Research Exchange

Prior to the SPECS All-hands meeting, the management team solicited short proposals (1-2 paragraphs) for research exchanges and/or user facility visits that included collaborations from multiple institutions. 
Students and Postdocs were highly encouraged to submit a proposal.

Congratulations to the following awardees!

Accepted SSRL Proposal: Polaron and cation location elucidation in polymer electrode with XAS 
Jonathan Thurston, Casey Davis, & Shuya Li
Computational and Experimental Approaches in Studying π-Conjugated Systems 
Megan Brown
Charge Transfer Kinetics of N2200 Toward Redox Molecules within Polymer|Electrolyte Interphase 
Shuya Li
Effects of buried ITO-polymer interface on photocathodes 
Eui Hyun Suh, William Kopcha (Bo Dong, Lu Lin, Dr. Sa Suo)
Disentangling the consequences of side chain mobility from the local dielectric environment in hairy-rod polymer blends 
Henry Kantrow, Jude Kpare, Spencer Yeager, Jackson Mayo, Andrew Setley, Amalie Atassi (Erin Ratcliff & Natalie Stingelin)
Insights into proton-electron charge transfer at N2200 electrodes in non-aqueous systems with trifluoracetic acid (TFA acid) 
Zhiting Chen (Lin Lu & Sa Suo)



 Past Events

The SPECS All Hands Meeting was held Monday, January 22 to Wednesday, January 24, 2024, at the University of Arizona. Details about the meeting can be found HERE.
SPECS All hands Tuesday



Special Seminar - Thursday, September 14, 2023
"From molecules to functional materials via supramolecular self-assembly", Lydia Sosa Vargas, PhD, CNRS Researchers, Paris Institute of Molecular Chemistry, Sorbonne University.


Lydia Sosa Vargas special seminar


Speaker bio: 

    Lydia Sosa Vargas is a CNRS researcher at the Paris Institute of Molecular Chemistry, Sorbonne Université. Originally from Mexico, she obtained her PhD from the University of East Anglia in the UK. She then worked as a postdoctoral researcher at the National Institute of Advanced Industrial Science and Technology (AIST) in Japan and the Pierre and Marie Curie University (now Sorbonne University) prior to her recruitment at the CNRS.  Her research interests involve the molecular design and synthesis of pi-conjugated materials for applications in organic electronic devices and self-assembly at the nanoscale.

    Supramolecular self-assembly is a key technique for arranging molecular components across scales, offering traits like self-healing and responsiveness to external stimuli. This method leverages non-covalent interactions to create ordered systems with diverse architectures, enabling efficient nanomaterials engineering. Within our group, we exploit these interactions to develop functional nanostructured materials, specifically for organic electronic applications such as light-emitting diodes, solar cells, solid-state lasers, and more recently graphene functionalization.

In this seminar I will be presenting some examples of our recent work; the design and synthesis of supramolecular π-conjugated assemblies (from 1D to 3D-nanostructured materials), and their use in organic electronics.

Job Postings and Opportunities

The EFRC Center for Soft (Photo)Electrochemical Systems (SPECS) is not currently seeking to fill positions

2024 Research Exchange - 2nd Round (Fall 2024)

The SPECS management team is soliciting ROUND 2 of SPECS Research Exchange Proposals, These are short proposals (1-2 paragraphs) for collaborations between multiple institutions (i.e., center members) and/or user facility visits. Due to budget restrictions, international travel is prohibited.

  • Funds are available for 1-2 week research exchange/visits, with maximum budget of $5K.

  • Preference is for new teams and/or new proposers from prior round (list of prior proposals/awardees can be found in the blue box announcement)

  • Current Proposals are due by August 30, 2024, and selected proposals will be announced at the All-Hands meeting on September 9, 2024.

  • To receive funds, the team must schedule with Jen Garcia a time slot to present research findings at one of the biweekly all-hands scientific meetings.

Please submit to the SPECS Research Exchange Team a short proposal description that includes information on the activities, research questions, alignment with SPECS project(s), anticipated outcomes, collaborators, and budget.