Tim Lian
Tim Lian is the Associate Director for of Scientific Continuity, Charge Transfer Thrust Lead of SPECS EFRC. Tim Lian is also the technical coordinator of Center for Hybrid Approaches in Solar Energy to Liquid Fuels (CHASE), a DOE Solar Fuels Hub, since August 2020; the Lead PI for the AFOSR MURI program on Molecular-level understanding of structure and dynamics at Electrochemical interface since August 2018. Tim Lian also serves on the External Scientific Advisory Board of LiSA Solar Fuels Hub since October 2020.
Tim Lian is currently the Editor-in-Chief of the Journal of Chemical Physics (since Jan. 1, 2019). Tim Lian is the recipient of a few notable recognitions including: NSF CAREER award, Alfred P. Sloan fellowship, Kavli Frontier of Science fellow (since 2012), APS fellow (since 2015), and ACS PChem Division Award for Senior Experimental Physical Chemistry(2022). Tim Lian’s research interest is focused on ultrafast energy and charge transfer dynamics in photovoltaic and photocatalytic nanomaterials and in situ probe of interfacial structure and dynamics of electrochemical and photoelectrochemical devices.
- BS, Xiamen University, China, 1985
- MS, Fujian Institute of Research on the Structure of Matter, 1988
- PhD, University of Pennsylvania, 1993