Mixed Electrical-Ionic Charge Transport

We will characterize and define the complex atomic-to-nanometer length scale polymer/electrolyte interfaces that control ion and electrical charge transport and storage processes from low to high doping regimes. Manipulation of the chemistry and morphology of these atomic-to-nano-interfaces is essential for new energy conversion and storage chemistries and platforms using these materials, which includes capacitors and batteries.

Thrust Leader

Chad Risko

Charge Transport Thrust Lead, SPECS
Associate Professor of Chemistry, University of Kentucky
Faculty Director, Office of Undergraduate Research, University of Kentucky

Key Investigators

Neal Armstrong

Director, SPECS
Regents Professor (Emeritus), Chemistry and Biochemistry, University of Arizona
Regents Professor (Emeritus), College of Optical Sciences, University of Arizona

Tim Lian

Associate Director of Scientific Continuity, SPECS
Charge Transfer Thrust Lead, SPECS
William Henry Emerson Professor, Department of Chemistry, Emory University

Erin Ratcliff

Associate Director of Scientific Continuity
Professor, Materials Science and Engineering, Chemistry and Biochemistry, Georgia Institute of Technology

Mike Toney

Professor, Chemical and Biological Engineering, University of Colorado Boulder
Professor, Material Science and Engineering, University of Colorado Boulder
Fellow, Renewable and Sustainable Energy Institute, University of Colorado Boulder